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Green Fact Sheet

Green Fact Sheet

General Fact Sheet 
  • The largest green building project in the region
  • Projected to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification
  • 90% of the waste generated by construction of the project has been recycled - (over 3000 tons)
  • 14 acres of trees harvested to 96,000 Board feet of lumber for use within the school
  • The value of all project materials that have recycled content is over 20% of the total project material cost
  • Preferred Parking for hybrid vehicles and car-poolers
  • Native, culturally significant, and drought tolerant landscaping
Storm Water Management
  • Strategies employed to promote infiltration of storm water and remove pollutants from runoff to protect nearby rivers
  • Vegetated rain gardens between parking rows and lots capture and filter run-off
  • Bio-retention areas (shallow, landscaped depressions) capture storm water for absorption and slow release
  • Previous paving in overflow parking lots allow rainwater infiltration
  • Rainwater harvesting for irrigation and toilet flushing; 60,000 gallons of rainwater storage in underground cisterns located in each courtyard
  • Over 50% of the site will be protected or restored with native vegetation
Energy Efficiency
  • Project overall will use 35% less energy than a non-green code compliant building of the same size
  • Geothermal Heating and Cooling System comprised of 290 wells at 450' deep
  • Daylighting of over 75% of regularly occupied spaces
  • Occupancy and Daylighting sensors to automatically adjust artificial lighting to users and sunlight levels
  • Energy efficient building envelope (mostly Structural Insulated Panels)
  • Commissioning to ensure designed systems performance
Indoor Air Quality
  • HVAC equipment supplies large amounts of fresh air to all spaces
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitoring in assembly spaces to alert system to exhaust stale air when levels rise
  • Only non-toxic, low-emitting materials are being used in the buildings
Water Conservation
  • Project overall will use 37.5% less water than a baseline building of the same size and number of occupants
  • Waterless urinals to reduce potable water use for sewage
  • Electronic sensors on toilets and faucets
  • Low-flow toilet and classroom lavatories
The Importance of Green School
  • 1/5 (20%) of Americans spend their day in school buildings
  • Children are more susceptible to asthma and sickness due to indoor air quality issues